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Selectmen's Minutes 7-30-13
Town of Hanson - Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes – Hanson Town Hall
July 30, 2013

Members Present:        James Egan,  Richard Flynn, Donald Howard and David  Soper
Members Absent: Steve Amico
Others Present:         Town Administrator Ronald San Angelo and Executive Assistant Meredith Marini

I~      7:00 p.m.   Chairman Egan called the meeting to order, led the pledge of allegiance, and read the announcements and upcoming meeting schedule.  

II      SWEAR IN POLICE CHIEF MICHAEL MIKSCHMr. Egan announced that the Board would swear in Chief Miksch.  Town Clerk Beth Sloan sworn in Chief Miksch.  Chief Miksch thanked everyone for attending and recognized his wife and son.  He thanked Chief Parker and other chief’s in attendance.  The group recessed for a brief reception.

7:09 p.m.   Brief recess

7:30 p.m. Returned to session
III     TOWN ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT     - Mr. San Angelo provided the Board with a copy of his report.  He highlighted some of the meetings he attended.  He toured the town with Chief Parker.  He met with Chief Thompson and was introduced to the new water superintendent, Richard Muncey.  He toured the High School, met the school superintendent and met with the technology department. He met with a representative from Covanta regarding the solid waste contract, spoke with director of the Cape Cod Commission.  He will be meeting with other vendors regarding solid waste disposal.  He toured the former Plymouth county Hospital property and has requested some information from the Town Planner so he can develop a plan for the site.  Mr. San Angelo indicated that he met with Steve Amico regarding the potential new school.  He was on public access and toured the public access facility in Whitman.  Mr. San Angelo would like to start his own show which would highlight some issues of the day such as the school building project.  The shows would be informational type of shows.  He will continue the monthly department head meetings.  He will start smaller type of department head meetings.  He met with the seniors at the senior center and viewed the library.  He will be meeting with the agricultural commission and library board.  He met with Rene Read to get background of some of the projects Mr. Read worked on while in Hanson.  He met with Whitman Town Administrator Frank Lynam.  Met with both labor and town counsel.  Mr. San Angelo invited the Board members to come in and meet with him.  Mr. San Angelo would like to set up a mission statement for the town to determine the direction of the Town.  Mr. Flynn asked about the status of the cell tower.  Mr. San Angelo met with the Fire Chief regarding the matter because the fire station has some septic system issues which need to be addressed prior to the installation of cell tower.  The lease agreement requires payment only after completion of construction of the tower.  The lease is in place and the town is committed to the location at the fire station.  There was lengthy discussion regarding the cell tower project and Mr. San Angelo revised the lease terms.  

        Building Commission – Discussion regarding boarding of vacant buildings – Building Commissioner Robert Curran was present and discussed 261 Lakeside Road he has worked on it since 2010.  He provided the board with a proposal from Franklin Crane Contracting for cleaning up the property to keep it safe from kids.  Mr. Curran would like to have everything outside of the site and placed in the accessory building.  The Town took the property through tax title and has started foreclosure procedures.  The property is now a town possession.  Mr. Curran does not want to take the building down.  Highway Department has cleaned up the brush around the property.  Mr. Curran does not have funds to board up the building.  Mr. Soper is concerned about spending the money and the length of time of recouping the funds.  Mr. Curran has boarded the building on several occasions.  Mr. San Angelo suggested to Mr. Curran that we use Town resources to complete the clean up and boarding.  Mr. Curran will get an updated quote for the project.  Mr. Curran is conducting follow up on two other locations within the Town which are unsafe.  He has forwarded an order to the owners of the properties.  The owners are dealing with their insurance companies.  

MOTION by Howard, second by Soper to provide funds for the boarding of 261 Lakeside Road.  
Voted  4 - 0
One Day Liquor License – Camp Kiwanee
Amelia Capone, Rockland  Sat., Aug. 10th  2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. – Birthday

MOTION by Howard, second by Flynn to approve the one day license as printed.  Voted  4 - 0
VI      COMMITTEE REPORTS  - None heard

MOTION by Howard, second Flynn to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation and conducting collective bargaining sessions since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town.  Roll Call Flynn Aye, Howard Aye, Egan Aye and Soper Aye.  Voted 4 – 0.

Mrs. Marini indicated that the matter involved litigation with Town vs. Anderson.  

MOTION by Howard, second Flynn to amend the motion to include litigation regarding the Town v. Anderson. Roll Call Flynn Aye, Howard Aye, Egan Aye and Soper Aye.  Voted 4 – 0.

8:08 p.m.  Brief Recess

8:21 p.m. return to open session.
MOTION by Howard, second by Soper to adjourn.  Voted  4 – 0

8:22 p.m.       Meeting adjourned.
                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Meredith Marini,
                                                Executive Assistant
Approved and Voted 4 – 0 – 1 (Amico)
                                                September 10, 2013